Friday, 28 November 2014

Working On UFO's

While going through boxes and unpacking craft stuff in the cabin, I have several unfinished projects a couple are big projects and I really want to get them finished.
Remember this part work 
 I collected every issue, it finished start of this year, each copy came with the fabric to do a patchwork block you then make it all up like the quilt on the front cover, with moving packing and such like I fell behind doing the blocks, it was all packed in a box together, I want to crack on and get the blocks finished now

These are the blocks I have done so far
 and another four done that I got completed today.
I think there is 70 blocks in total I have completed 22 so a fair way to go yet.
It makes up a complete double bed sized quilt, I do like part works, I know they seem expensive but having it all organised and sorted for you is great, if I had to choose all the fabrics and work out the designs and layouts for each block I wouldn't have got past 4 blocks I don't think.
A bonus is the extra projects you get with each copy too and there is some lovely projects.

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Fabric Christmas Trees

I picked up a copy of Homemaker magazine yesterday while out shopping
It came with a little kit to make the fabric trees on the front cover, I made mine up slightly different
I stitched mine on the top and cut round them with pinking shears, I added to hot fix gems and some organza bows on the tree top, I decorated the spools with tartan ribbon.
Word of warning, the spools on the front cover are not the ones you get with the kit you get those tiny ones that are on mine and you don't get enough stuffing for the trees, just as well I had plenty. 
I think they would be very easy to do from felt and very effective, you only need to stitch two triangles together leave an opening to stuff.
I also picked up a copy of Sew Home and Style
You get a kit to make this Santa
I haven't made it yet, again I think it needs jazzing up,
These little cuties caught my eye
Little felt coat tree decorations
I fancy making up some of these.don't know if it will be in time for this year :-)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Christmas Stockings

I made the sample up today ready for tomorrows class
I am doing decorated Christmas stockings with the young mums.
The stockings are plain and we are going to decorate them with stamped designs using verscraft ink that is permanent on fabric when fixed with an iron, they also can used a 3d paint liner for decorating there designs it remains raised when dry.
You can see who is getting this stocking :-) 

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Christmas Baubles

Today I was working with the young mums at the family centre,
 I got them making little characters for acrylic baubles, this was my sample one
on the other side they could put a photo
me and my big sister many moons ago
Here is some of the baubles they made today

there was another two sets but I didn't get a photo of them before they left, the mums had three acylic baubles to decorate, considering we had 14 toddlers there all making a noise the mums did really well.
The characters are all made from silk clay and we used foam clay for the snow effect with glittered foam for the backdrops.
Next week we are doing decorated Christmas stockings.
I have been asked if I could put together a program of craft events for the spring, but i have to give it some serious thought. Its not easy teaching craft with so many little ones about, it also makes it restrictive in what we can do, also I don't know if I want to give over the time for it.It not the attending the centre its the time researching the projects and making samples.
If I do I might just put together 4 sessions again for them and spread them out one a month we will see, I only have 2 more Christmas crafting sessions to go with them.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Two Needle Sock and More

I have been crafting this week,
 I have been making Christmas gifts for friends and as some follow my blogs I cant show you the gifts.
I can show you the first sock finished 

The seam runs up the side 
it will be on the inside side you knit right and left socks, this one is a right sock.
On another crafting note I picked up a copy of Craft Stamper today when I was in town
I used to buy this every month without fail, with packing and moving its been a good 6 months since I bought a copy, I think I will have to set up a subscription as getting to town isn't as easy as it used to be.
There is a choice of subscription gifts
There is a Mixed Media DVD or a book Lasting Impressions, the other bonus with subscribing I would save £25 on the cover price. 
I do enjoying stamping and now have a few ideas for Christmas cards, I shall in a few weeks have more time for doing crafts.
Saturday 22nd of November is the day my craft shop closes in Milton Keynes it has been running for just over 5 years,
 I actually moved into these premises 21st of November 2009, this shop was my third premises.
 It has been a difficult decision to make, but I am looking forward to the closure now, time for a new chapter.
This week I have been phoning our many suppliers and closing accounts, that was sad these companies have supported me well with my shop through the recession the reps have become friends  some-one to have a cuppa, I knew many of them before the shop when I worked on the trade side of crafting and worked the show circuit, I am keeping on a few of the suppliers as I have ideas and plans for next year.
Until then I will carry on crafting as always.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Turning The Heel

Well knitting socks on the straight is really easy compared to knitting on the round, its a lot easy to keep your place and of course you don't have so many needles to play with.
The heel has now been turned on my first sock, I couldn't understand how it was going to be done on just two needles, but it worked great, I am now on the home straight with knitting the foot, then it will be toe shaping. 
then sock number two.
Many years ago when knitting socks on the round I came across a method for knitting both socks at once on the same set of needles, you knit one sock inside the other, the same method can be used for knitting sleeves.
Here is a link to the original site I found it 
Have a go it is fun and very intriguing to other knitters when they see what your doing.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Socks Socks and More Socks

Yes its all about socks, I love hand knitted socks, they are warm and cosy, hard wearing and fun.
I have always knitted socks on the round using double ended needles, when I was visiting a friend the other month she showed me some socks she had just finished and they were knitted on the straight, intrigued I ordered the book she had knitted them from and got started with a pair last night 
I am knitting them in King Cole Riot, its some yarn I had left over from another project. 
While browsing on Amazon for the book I came across another 3 sock books that I just had to have 
I will have to give crochet socks a go there is some really interesting designs in these books.
Back to knitting socks on the straight, the instructions are very clear and easy to follow, and the book is spiral bound great for staying open were you want it, there is some lovely designs in the book and some great tips on joining seams. 
Right must get back to finishing my socks.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

New Hat

While having a lazy day in front of the fire, I dug out some chunky yarn to crochet a hat, some-one in blog land was showing a hat they had crocheted, a Cloche Style hat and it took my fancy, (sorry cant remember who it was) I searched the web some time ago for a pattern and came across this one Cloche Hat I decided to do mine in multi colours to finish up oddments of yarn.
It didn't take long to do and is a good fit.

 Kara isn't the best of models but you get the idea.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Fingerless Gloves Pt 2

I thought I posted this the other evening but it seems I didn't, I finished my mitts in Aran they are lovely and chunky, ideal for me to wear out and about in the garden and dealing with the livestock.
The pattern I posted a link to has a few errors, there are too many knit rows and it should all be in stocking stitch apart from the rib at the start and finish.
I am going to knit some more in double knit  and make the finger covering longer, this pair I have stitch together between the fingers to stop them riding down my hands. 
They are lovely and warm.